Thursday, October 14, 2021

Yes, and...?

 One of the best tools of improv is to acknowledge and expand.  It's actually extremely useful in trying to navigate life.  Life is hard.  It isn't fair.  It has never been.  I'm "clumsy" and if I had lived 200 years ago and needed to be washing clothes in a winter stream or chopping my own wood I would have a short life as I would have drowned or died from infection. Yes, and that leaves lots of room for human generosity.  Depression sucks, and emergence is often slow and always possible. Just don't opt out on yourself.  So many famous and rich people had hard times in their pasts.  Don't choose life on hard mode.  While someone else might be fighting poverty, loss, or abuse, don't fall into thinking that you need to survive the same struggles to be great.  There will be your own struggles and they will be most impactful because they are yours. Move.

Feelings aren't a choice.  Behavior and self talk are.

You need positive social interactions.

Your network is your net worth.  Humans are social creatures.  It's hard in the middle.  Stop hiding and meet people. Let some people opt out, but be authentic and gain authentic friends.  Even if it's small, move.  Do a thing that is scary, but beneficial.  Default to action. Once you're in motion it will be so much easier to get in the direction you want.  Starting is the hardest part.  It's slow.  Don't wait to do things, that's a backwards order.  No one knew how to fly a plane before the first plane was built.  Reading about exercise isn't the same as doing it.  Learning is beneficial, but doing is necessary.

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